
Artel Scaffolding Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Artel Scaffolding Ltd recognises the importance of a diverse work group and is committed to take every action to avoid discrimination on the grounds of age, marital status, family status, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin,religious beliefs or disability.


Discrimination is described as “The treatment of a person in a less favourable way than another person is, has been or would be treated on any of the above grounds.


All employees, contractors, clients, customers etc. both inside and outside the work environment.


The Company acknowledges the right of all employees to a working environment free from any form of discrimination as outlined within the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) and (Religious Beliefs) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 and Equality Act 2010.

  • Every Manager has a responsibility to maintain the work place free of any form of discrimination.
  • Everyone in this Company has the responsibility to prevent discrimination
  • Employees who feel that they are being discriminated against in any way in the workplace are encouraged to approach their own immediate Manager or another member of the Management team.
  • Either the employee or the Manager must notify the HR Department.
  • All complaints of discrimination will be taken seriously and will in strict confidence be investigated promptly and in an impartial manner. Only if these instances are formally reported can the Company take action to correct the situation.
  • All employees will be entitled to have a nominated person attend any discussions regarding discrimination.
  • Outcomes of the investigation will be provided to the employee and relevant action will be taken.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee found to have discriminated against another employee on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion and belief or disability.
  • Any victimisation of, or retaliation against, a complainant or an employee who gives evidence regarding discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

It is the policy of the Company to provide equal opportunities for all employees and trainees. The Company will also take every action possible to avoid direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion and belief or disability. The person responsible for implementation of this policy is the HR Manager. To uphold this policy, the Company will undertake the following:

In Recruitment

  • Ensure that job titles are not age or sex biased and are accurate.
  • Avoid over inflated or unnecessary job criteria in person specifications when recruiting new employees.
  • Check that job requirements are really necessary to do the job and are not reflections of traditional practices that may be operating to the disadvantage of men or women, minorities, the disabled or older people.
  • Guard against sex/race stereotyping, particularly in illustrations, advertisements and recruitment literature.
  • Ensure that recruitment methods used are fair to all potential applicants and do not effectively screen out minorities or members of one sex or age group.
  • As a general rule, not use age as a primary discriminator in recruitment and selection.
  • Ensure that only trained or experienced interviewers conduct preliminary selection interviews.
  • Ensure that interviewers avoid questions that could be construed as discriminatory.
  • Maintain clear interview notes and records of all applicants.
  • Maintain records of applications from all ethnic groups for statistical purposes.
  • Ensure that all applicants are made aware that Company operates with reference to this policy.

In Business

  • Ensure that contractors and clients are closely monitored to ensure adequate compliance with all legislation regarding equality including, but not limited to the Race Relations Act 1976, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, Equality Act 2010 all legislation introduced by virtue of the Treaty of Rome 1956 and the Treaty of Amsterdam 1997.
  • Co-operate fully with any investigation undertaken by contractors and clients pertaining to the above.
  • Ensure that goods provided and services conducted are in a manner appropriate to the specific needs of the recipient, and in awareness of cultural diversity.
  • Ensure that an appropriate administrative procedure is established to assist with the achievement of the above, including:
    • Regular monitoring and contact with contractors and clients.
    • Disclosure of policy details of contractors and clients to ensure minimum standards of compliance are being met.
    • Obtaining relevant information pertaining to the specifics of contracts.
    • Ensure that data, especially sensitive data, pertaining to a data subject is handled in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Training and Promotion

  • Check that all staff and minorities, regardless of their age or sex, are being trained and developed along with other employees and have the same opportunities for advancement within the Company.
  • As a general rule, not use age as a primary discriminator in training and promotion decisions.
  • Examine selection criteria for training and promotion opportunities to ensure they do not indirectly discriminate.
  • Monitor the progress of all trainees against the equal opportunities policy and its requirements.
  • Ensure that equal standards are being operated when undertaking performance reviews and assessments.
  • Where appropriate encourage all staff and minorities, regardless of their age or sex, to put themselves forward for training and promotion.

Victimisation and Harassment

  • Investigate all complaints of discrimination and harassment thoroughly however minor they may be considered at first sight.
  • Take disciplinary action against any employee found to have discriminated against another employee on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion and belief or disability.
  • Take disciplinary action against any employee found to have harassed another employee on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion and belief or disability.

Publication of this Policy

  • Ensure that all employees, especially new employees and those in positions of authority are made aware of this policy.
  • Ensure that employees with any Managerial responsibility and those responsible for recruitment are met at regular intervals to deal with issues pertaining to this policy.
  • Ensure that the policy is reviewed on an annual basis and make adequate provision for any legislative amendments. Any legislative amendments will be immediately implemented and expressly communicated to those with Managerial responsibility and those responsible for recruitment.

Signed B Morrissey (Director): Date: 07.01.20

To be reviewed no later than 07.01.2021